Singapore’s fast growing economy has not gone unnoticed. Hoisting cranes and construction sites are common ingredients in its ever-changing landscape. So common that the many people working on these sites have become mere silhouettes without a face.
Today over 1.3 million migrant workers call Singapore their temporary home. That’s nearly one-fifth of the total population. Most hail from India, Bangladesh and China. Although their numbers are impressive, they too get lonesome as they’re away from their homes and families for several years. Many of the low-wage laborers face a hard life with long and unsafe working hours, unclean food catering service and overcrowded housing conditions.
Thankfully the Government of Singapore has taken a series of steps to enhance the protection of foreign workers and improve their welfare. Although most of them remain anonymous to the local population, they are just as much a part of the society as anyone else living here. Without them Singapore would not be where it is today.
Featured in Shutr Magazine - October 2017